Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership : All Pages
- Home
- Copyright
- Picture Credits
- Accessibility Statement
- About
- Prospective students
- Research-related expenses
- Training and Researcher Development
- OOC DTP News & Student Blog
- Strategic Partners
- Other partners including libraries and museums
- Contacts
- Data Privacy
- How to Apply
- Resources
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Student and Alumni profiles
- Additional Funding
- Training Needs Analysis
- Placements
- Student-led training grant
- Francesca Aimi
- Eligibility
- Director's welcome
- Applications now open
- Writing exile: the Huguenot refugees in 18th-century England
- Class, Art, and the Influences of British India: Bateman’s
- Boundaries of the Book in a Digital Age
- Natural Parameters: digital material design
- Peter Oliver and the Miniature in Stuart England
- Intentions and the Ethics of Therapeutic Use Exemptions: a Conceptual and Empirical study
- Evaluating the impact of Beyond Words Book Clubs on the health and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities
- Utopian collaboration? William Morris, Jeffrey & Co and the Morris & Co wallpapers 1864-c.1928
- Exemplary women: Portraits of female patrons in Oxford and Cambridge colleges
- Powis Castle: The Clive Collection Re-Examined
- Counter-Memories: Photographs of Empire in Country House Collections
- Annual events
- Ritual and identity: British Collections of bronze figurines from third millennium BP/first millennium BC pre-Roman Italy
- The Black and Mixed Ethnicity Presence in British Politics, 1750-1850
- Relating Romantic Disabilities
- Jewish subjectivity and material self-fashioning: Ferdinand de Rothschild of Waddesdon Manor
- Exploring Humanist Networks of Knowledge and Reading in Queens’ College Old Library
- Jewish Books and their Readers in Early Modern Cambridge
- The English Leather Industry during the long 19th century
- Gender and histories of Arctic field science, 1900-1950
- Shugborough Hall, the Ansons and the eighteenth-century Atlantic economy
- Landscape, memory and trauma: cinematic depictions of the Holocaust
- From Potato Farming to Pharmaceutical Factories: The Business(es) of Plant Virus Research in Britain, 1920–2020
- France and the Second World War: The Cambridge Chadwyck-Healey Liberation Collection (1944-1946)
- Support for skills training
- Extensions to studentship funding
- Foundations training
- Jane Anderson
- Aikaterini (Ekati) Antoniou
- Laura Bailey
- Nora Baker
- Joshua Ballance
- Thomas Barrett
- Giulia Belloni
- Jade Bentil
- Alette Blom
- Elena Boukouvala
- Aoife Cantrill
- Anna Clark
- Greta Colombani
- Lucy May Constantini
- Matt Coulter
- Rebecca Courtier
- Maria Czepiel
- Jan Eijking
- Nina Ellis
- Bonnie Emmett
- George K Haggett
- Rebekah Hodgkinson
- Llewelyn Hopwood
- Hannes Jöbstl
- Dawn Lisette Kanter
- Geiste Kincinaityte
- Lilian Kroth
- Gonzalo J. Linares Matás
- Helen Magowan
- Harry Moore
- Jenny Moran
- Samantha J. Pay
- Justine Provino
- Edward Rees
- Angus Russell
- Anna Saroldi
- Ashkan Sepahvand
- Andreas Schmid
- Giuseppe Spatafora
- Horia Teodorescu
- Elliott Thornley
- Ian Watson
- Josef Weinzierl
- Rowan Mary Anderson
- Desmond Huthwaite
- Sophie Rhodes
- Meg Roberts
- Dora Robinson
- Tina Roushannafas
- Andreas Vassiliou
- Stella Wisgrill
- Noëlle Rohde
- AHRC International Fellowships for PhD and Early Career Researchers 2025
- Travel expenses for DTP training
- Alexander Lawrence
- Naoise Murphy
- Sheryl Wombell
- Elisabetta Garletti
- Tom Revell
- Eleanor Kerfoot
- Alice Huxley
- Miriam Austin
- Emma Curran
- Bethany McPeake
- Rebecca Field
- Claire Wellesley-Smith
- Miles Kempton
- Robert Jones
- Grace Whorrall-Campbell
- Elsa Kugelberg
- Christopher Archibald
- Emma Hardy
- Kristýna Rendlová
- Harry Parker
- Sophie Aldred
- Samuel Collings-Wells
- Ben Platt
- Andrea Vitangeli
- John-Francis Martin
- Ana Gatóo
- Rhea Tuli Partridge
- Student Liaison Group (SLG)
- Joana Perrone
- Our students
- COVID-19 extensions
- Collaborative Doctoral Awards
- CDAs 2025-26
- Peace and Anti-Nuclear Activism since 1945
- Homeworking in Britain and Beyond, c. 1970 to the present
- Labour and Livelihoods of Disabled People in Britain, c. 1970-2015
- Women and Work in the City of London, 1870-1970
- The First History of Elizabethan England: The Making of William Camden’s Annals
- The Romani Holocaust and its Aftermath: Gendered Perspectives
- Paint and Culture in Medieval England
- Sophie Michell
- Sophie Dubillot
- Ella Williams
- Francesco Feriozzi
- Zavier Nunn
- Anna-Marie Pípalová
- Adèle Kreager
- Hina Khalid
- James Miller
- Shoni Lavie-Driver
- Denis Topalović
- Eleonora Colli
- Aldri Cela
- Michael Rizq
- Frances Clemente
- Fleur MacInnes
- John Colley
- Stuart Henderson
- Chloe Rixon
- James Alexander Samuel Sunderland
- Kristian Dekatris
- Lucie Davidson
- Cecilia Corsini
- Annabel Hancock
- Belinda Álvarez-Alonso
- Christie Carr
- Philip Muijtjens
- James Clark
- Anhad Arora
- Alice Whitehead
- Ronja Griep
- Annie Calderbank
- Talah Anderson
- Joseph Lewis
- Elisa Cozzi
- Sofia Vaz Pinto Simoes Coelho
- Selene Mazza
- Friederike Hartz
- Patrick Cowley
- Jonathan Torrance
- Nicholas Smart
- Cat Watts
- François·e Charmaille
- Alfie Steer
- Natasha Bradley
- Jasmin Bath
- Emily Dyson
- Nicola Carotenuto
- Daniella DeVinter
- Harriet McKinley-Smith
- Rob O'Sullivan
- João P. R. Joaquim
- Harriet Smith Hughes
- Mark Borthwick
- Eli Philip Bernstein
- Dan McAteer
- Alex Laar
- Mirjam von Bechtolsheim
- Sebastian Marshall
- Making British Islam Across Generations
- Under the Volcano: Visitors to Vesuvius in the Romantic Era
- OOC DTP students engage with the National Trust
- Publication success for Llewelyn Hopwood
- Giuseppe Spatafora presents at 4th Conflict Dynamics Workshop
- New online course in Digital Humanities
- Collaborative Doctoral Awards available for 2021-22
- Noëlle Rohde presents at the 10th European Congress of Analytical Philosophy
- Returning to the archives
- Publication success for collaborating OOC students
- Miriam Austin’s third solo exhibition opens in London
- Digital Humanities: Humanities research in the digital age - training sessions scheduled
- Sara Natalia Cardullo
- Eli Cumings
- Dylan C. Price
- Mary Okon Ononokpono
- Apply for support
- Securing a placement
- What support is available?
- George Rayson
- Naï Zakharia
- Publication success for Nina Ellis
- Dawn Kanter presents at conference on Digital Approaches to Art History and Cultural Heritage
- OOC DTP students organise ‘Fictions of Retranslations: Retranslating Language and Style in Prose Fiction’ conference
- Dora Robinson is lead writer on a submission for the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights Call for Evidence
- Current placement opportunities
- Publication success for Joseph Lewis
- Our Training Programme
- OOC DTP monthly student coffee breaks
- Phoebe Campion
- OOC DTP virtual co-working sessions launched
- Call for Papers
- Programme
- The Committee
- Partners
- 'Unfolding' at the 2021 London Design Biennale
- Nina Ellis publishes short story and piece in 'Review 31'
- How to work (and live) well
- Daniella Schütze presents at SCSMI conference
- Additional Funding FAQs
- Ella Williams awarded Kennedy Scholarship
- Forthcoming publications by Lucy May Constantini
- James Miller wins Sir John Rhys Essay Prize
- Laura Bailey wins Alastair Durie Prize
- Mary Ononokpono on TV PhD scheme at Edinburgh International Television Festival
- OOC DTP Core Training
- OOC DTP Public Heritage training
- OOC DTP Digital Humanities Training
- OOC DTP Engaged Communication Training
- How to get the most out of your Training Needs Analysis and Inkpath
- Using Inkpath to develop your goals and your career profile
- How to work (and live) well
- Joshua Ballance to work on project in Canada as part of Globalink Doctoral Exchange Partnership
- Rowan Dowling
- Linda Bruce
- Sarah Fengler
- Joseph Kelly
- Maral Attar-Zadeh
- Anne Wetherilt
- Oscar Davies Patton
- Rebecca Goldsmith
- Carlos Iglesias Crespo
- Isabel Parkinson
- Kelly Lloyd
- Zoë Marriott
- Marianna Leszczyk
- Billie Mitsikakos
- Helena Trenkić
- Kirsty Peacock
- Natasha Bharucha
- Thomas James Holland
- Rebekah Lattin-Rawstrone
- Isabelle Stuart
- Fergus Selsdon Games
- Natasha Rai
- Leah Wild
- Jacob Ridley
- Helena Rutkowska
- Hollie Eaton
- Bridget Cunningham
- Andres Libertun
- Ruby Hutchings
- Rose Dryzek
- Arisa Loomba
- Ashley Castelino
- Eva Dema
- Leo Kershaw
- Alberto Garzoni
- James Cogbill
- Bronte Evans Rayward
- Rachel Darby
- Julian Wood
- Katharine J. Waldron
- Gareth Bryant
- Aoife Miralles
- Alex Calder
- Will Huddleston
- Peter Smith
- Ina Jäntgen
- Kay Simpson
- Angus Brown
- Nina Ellis wins an Editors' Choice Award in the Raymond Carver Short Story Contest
- Elliott Thornley publishes two papers on population axiology
- New initiative to address under-representation in Humanities doctoral study
- Black and Global Majority studentships
- Julyan Oldham
- Jennifer McFarland
- Silvia Maria Marchiori
- Lily Stone
- Phoebe Lowry
- Isabel Maloney
- Bill Freeman
- Sara McQuaid
- OOC DTP Additional Funding: Student Information Session
- OOC DTP: Placements Information Session
- Future Humanities workshop: The Humanities and Number
- Crowdsourcing in the Digital Humanities
- Social Media and Blogging Training
- Which way to use Twitter: a briefing workshop
- Gonzalo Linares-Matás and James Clark publish a paper in the Journal of Human Evolution
- Theo Stapleton
- Heritage Pathway: Workshop – Sounds in Spaces at National Trust Sites
- Heritage Pathway: Careers in Arts & Heritage (held in partnership with University of Oxford Careers Service)
- Podcasting for Public Engagement
- Writing technologies in transition: Legal and literary material practices in late medieval England
- Marie-Antoinette: A queen of letters
- Private actors, public memory and provenance research: Contextualising the Liebermann-Villa, Berlin
- Being for Beginners
- The late Scottish Enlightenment in global perspective, 1770-1815
- Welshness in the museum: Representing the past in Wales’ National Museums, c.1900-1975
- Joanna Smith
- Samuel FitzGibbon
- Confronting canonicity and promoting diversity: Gender and contemporary concert programming
- The art of translation: Developing multilingual digital resources using artificial intelligence to support translation in bioinformatics
- Postwar Rome 1944-1951: Transnational flows and the culture of occupation and reconstruction
- Ormesby Hall and modern British Theatre
- OOC DTP virtual co-working sessions
- Bridget Cunningham releases a new recording of Handel's Eight Great Harpsichord Suites
- Imagining Asia at Ham House
- Statistics for Digital Humanists
- Clara Dijkstra
- Zaki Rehman
- Collaborative Doctoral Awards released for 2022/23
- Carlos Iglesias Crespo publishes paper on Aristotle, Russian Formalism and Embodied Cognition
- Connor Beattie
- Abigail Hayton
- Congratulations to OOC DTP’s first successful DPhil completion, Josef Weinzierl
- Applicant information session - Thursday 18 November
- Zoë Marriott launches a new blog, 'The Eddying Flight'
- Peter George
- Getting Published and the Research Excellence Framework (REF)
- New CDA just released!
- Elizabeth Baldwin Gray
- dɪsˈlɛksɪə ˈɡeɪtweɪ (dyslexia gateway)
- OOC DTP Additional Funding: Student Information Session
- Introduction to Text Analysis
- Boosting Your Writing Productivity
- An Introduction to Media Training
- Introduction to Spatial Humanities
- Jonas Atmaz Al-Sibaie
- Alexander Hutterer
- OOC DTP: Placements Information Session
- Placement spotlight: An education initiative with the BBC
- Congratulations to Gonzalo J. Linares Matás on two publications!
- Maral Attar-Zadeh convening a discussion series on music and cognitive science
- Congratulations to Geistė Marija Kinčinaitytė on her latest publications!
- Placement spotlight: UKRI policy internship
- Ana Gatóo awarded a Design Exchange Partnership grant!
- Congratulations to Nina Ellis on her book deal with Farrar, Straus & Giroux!
- Heritage Pathway - Current Issues in Arts and Heritage: Heritage and the Climate Crisis
- Heritage Pathway: Workshop – National Trust
- Rebekah Hodgkinson's article to be published in the Archaeological Review!
- Elsa Kugelberg publishes two new articles on choice and social norms!
- Congratulations to Elliott Thornley on his latest publication!
- Overcoming impostor syndrome and a sense of academic failure
- Jan Eijking wins Best Graduate Paper Award from EISA!
- Future Humanities event: ‘The solitary scholar and the research team’
- Anna Saroldi publishes two book chapters!
- Harriet McKinley-Smith wins two awards!
- Making Sense of Allyship: The Marriage between Theory and Practice
- Preparing for the Final Year of Your PhD
- Attingham Park
- Horse Power
- Quebec House
- Marie Puysségur
- Histories of Childhood in the National Trust
- Languages and Cultures in Cooperative Decision Making
- The Language of Risk
- Computer vision for Digital Humanists: a critical and practical introduction
- Going Public – Insights into Monograph Publishing
- OOC DTP Placement Opportunities with BT
- OOC DTP Careers Training: 'Uncovering interesting roles beyond academia'
- OOC DTP Summer Planning Course: How to have a great summer
- A la Ronde
- OOC DTP Open University Future Humanities Day
- Introduction to Postdoctoral Research Funding Applications
- Heritage Pathway: Current Issues in Arts and Heritage- Heritage on the Big Screen
- Heritage Pathway: Workshop - Museum Education
- Heritage Pathway: Careers in Arts & Heritage
- Bath Assembly Rooms
- Entanglements - 2023 AHRC International Conference
- Placement spotlight: Uncomfortable Cambridge
- Scripture, Saints and the Sacred Symposium
- Information for award holders
- Andreas Vassiliou publishes article in the Oxford Journal of Legal studies
- Placement spotlight: 'Horrible Histories'
- Matthew Coulter publishes an article in the Journal of Medieval History
- Nora Baker is awarded a Maddock Research Fellowship
- Elizabeth Hardman Warburton
- Robin Crawford
- Xin Yan
- Luca Costa
- Imad Ahmed
- Elisabetta Sassarini
- Abigail Allan
- Laura Herman
- Grace O'Duffy
- Frances Dowle
- Rowan Wilson
- Flynn Allott
- Kida Lin
- Amelia Gardner-Thorpe
- Robbie Spiers
- Marcus Ackermann
- James Hua
- Claudia Giupponi
- Lena Breda
- Pádraig Nolan
- Logan Rivers
- Emma-Catherine Wilson
- Emilia Flack
- Gustavo Fernandes Pedroso
- Leonardo Russo Cardona
- Emma Diduch
- Sara-Jane Vigneault
- Thomas Banbury
- India Wright
- Cecily Fasham
- Placement spotlight: Zinc
- Matilda Eriksson
- Natasha Gasparian
- Dylan Fowler
- Fabian Matthias Helmrich
- Kerry-Louise Apps
- Making the most of your Training Needs Analysis and Inkpath
- Making the most of your Training Needs Analysis and Inkpath
- OOC DTP Additional Funding Information Session
- How 2 Collaborate mini programme: Workshop 1 'Introduction to collaborative working'
- How 2 Collaborate mini programme: Workshop 2 'Maximising collaborative studentship outcomes'
- How to work (and live) well
- Social Media and Blogging Training
- Life Skills for the Workplace
- Histories, Cultures and Heritage
- Allyship as being in-the-world (2023)
- Exploring post-PhD routes
- Allyship within Education
- Boosting Your Writing Productivity
- Allyship as a Professional
- Allyship as a Researcher
- OOC DTP in-person Writing Retreat
- Creative and Performing Arts
- Languages and Literature
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Designing a digital research project
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Acquiring data for your project
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Transforming your data
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Analysing and presenting your data
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Sustaining your data
- The Aclands of Killerton: Remaking Imperial Britain in the Long Nineteenth Century
- Female Entrepreneurs in Eighteenth-Century London
- “In-between speech”: the role of disfluencies and non-speech vocalisations in characterising speakers for forensic purposes
- From the Pogroms to the Kindertransport: Humanitarianism and Refugee Relief in British Jewish Politics
- Gilbert White and Local Knowledge: Arts of Attention
- Diversity in the French Literary Panorama
- The Linen Hall Library’s Northern Ireland Political Collection and the Ideological Origins of the Good Friday Agreement
- Reading Childhood: Collections, Texts, and Visions of Play in the British Country House c. 1780-1914
- Schools of empire: Class, race, and colonialism, c.1750-1945
- Articulating the value of community engagement in the built environment
- BioPlastic Lives: Developing a technical and social understanding of bioplastic objects through investigating their care, ageing and agency in a museum context.
- Lives of Medieval Books in the National Trust Libraries
- Rebecca Clark
- Ya'el Nu'emah-Kremer
- Eli Dolliver
- Artemii Kuznetsov
- Daniel Brew
- Aamir Kaderbhai
- Jurgi Giraud
- James Glover
- Aviv Reich
- Caleb Woodall
- Valentino Gargano
- Shamsher S. Bhangal
- Georgina Fooks
- Paul Norris
- Marlene Schilling
- Oliver Parkes
- Sam Webb
- Matt Hasler
- Ruari Paterson-Achenbach
- Rafael Pérez Evans
- Giorgia M. Maffioli Brigatti
- Piers Haslam
- Kirstie Stage (Kirsty Neale)
- Marco Fioratti
- Joseph Lewis wins the CAA Nick Ryan Bursary Award
- Nightmare/s in the Long Nineteenth Century
- Anne Wetherilt awarded AOUG Chancellor Lord Asa Briggs Award for Arts
- OOC DTP Additional Funding Information Session
- OOC DTP: Placements Information Session
- Going Public – Insights into Monograph Publishing
- Introduction to Postdoctoral Research Funding Applications
- Getting Published and the Research Excellence Framework (REF)
- Madeleine Doutney
- Deborah Wood
- Chontida Poonpipat
- Caine Tayo Lewin-Turner
- Malak Khalil
- Ariadne Pagoni
- Zoë Marriott wins the Oxford Flash Fiction Prize!
- Tess Eastgate wins the Gordon Duff Prize!
- Heritage Pathway Trip: The Museum of the Home
- Heritage Pathway Creative Writing Workshop: Historical Fiction and Film
- Lena Katharina Alfter
- Placement Spotlight: ‘Histories of Childhood at the National Trust’
- Congratulations to Miles Kempton for publishing article on primate ethology
- Congratulations to Flynn Allott for publishing article on the Theatrum Urbium Italicarum
- Placement Spotlight: Citizens Advice
- Placement Spotlight: BT Applied Research team
- Dawn Kanter discusses 20th-century British portraiture
- Boosting Your Writing Productivity
- Placement Spotlight: CUL Special Collections
- Thomas Banbury publishes paper on the Social Dimensions of Landscape Change
- Aditi Gupta
- OOC DTP Summer Planning Course
- Heritage Pathway Workshop
- Heritage Pathway Trip
- Extensions to AHRC submission deadline
- Placement Spotlight: Kunsthistorisches Museum (KHM) in Vienna
- Placement Spotlight: National Portrait Gallery
- Placement Spotlight: Knowledge Media Institute
- Placement Spotlight: Lanhydrock House, National Trust
- Placement Spotlight: Uncomfortable Oxford, and Uncomfortable Cambridge
- Reading and Writing in Medieval Women's Religious Communities
- Creative, arts-based, psychosocial approaches within international development contexts
- Non-Normative Identities in 20th-21st Century Catalan Cultures
- Healthy Folk – The role of vernacular knowledge in health-related decision-making
- Society in Northern Ireland, ‘from above and below’ 1922 to 1965: archives, research and dissemination
- Meaningful measurement: Qualitative data methods & analysis for understanding real-world GLAM experiences
- Hidden Lives: A History of Women, the London Charterhouse and the Wider Community
- Spanish chapbooks : the culture of their time and modern digital description
- Heym in his own words: exploring Cambridge University Library’s Stefan Heym Archive
- Theatre Music: Investigating Intercultural Collaboration and the Impact of Cultural Diversity on the Creative Process in Music Making
- Lives of Medieval Books in the National Trust Libraries
- Making urban public places more accessible through design: video ethnographic research
- Multilingual teaching, learning and assessment of English in India’s primary schools
- How to get the most out of your TNA and Inkpath (1)
- How to get the most out of your TNA and Inkpath (2)
- OOC DTP Writing Retreat 2024
- OOC DTP Additional Funding Information Session (2023)
- Making Sense of Allyship: The Marriage between Theory and Practice (2023)
- Allyship within Education (2024)
- Allyship as a Professional (2024)
- Allyship as a Researcher (2024)
- How to work (and live) well - 2023
- Project Management Essentials
- OOC DTP Careers Training: 'Uncovering interesting roles beyond academia' (2023)
- Boosting Your Writing Productivity (2024)
- Planning the Final Year of Your PhD (2024)
- Social Media and Blogging Training (2023)
- Open Access for OOC DTP students
- Communicating your research with confidence
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Designing a digital research project (2023)
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Acquiring data for your project (2023)
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Transforming your data (2023)
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Analysing and presenting your data (2023)
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Sustaining your data (2023)
- How 2 Collaborate mini programme 2023: Workshop 1 'Introduction to collaborative working'
- How 2 Collaborate mini programme 2023: Workshop 2 'Maximising collaborative studentship outcomes'
- Placement Spotlight: UKRI Policy Internship Scheme
- Charles Baker
- Sally Atkins
- Katherine McKee
- Dikshit Sarma Bhagabati
- Núria Bosch
- Costanza Coloni
- Suren Pahlevan
- Ahmet Furkan Inan
- Ryan Comins
- Heritage at Oxford: An Introduction
- Franciszek Cudek
- Marly Tiburcio-Carneiro
- Heritage Pathway Workshop: Curating for Change- Interpreting Disability Histories
- Agnes Fanning
- Careers in Arts & Heritage: University Museums
- Amy Wells
- Emma Arthur
- Azul Castaneda Prado
- Matthew Frey
- Amy Hemsworth
- Molly Groarke
- Ilay Golan
- Heritage Pathway Visit & Museum Workshop: Revealing the Coventry Charterhouse
- Benjamin Iago Gibson
- Kate Sligo
- James Browning
- Kemal Sultanov
- Matt Parry
- Charlotte Canizo
- Holly Hiscox
- Panagiotis Morfis
- Renger van Dasselaar
- Jack Benedict Wheaton Stebbing
- Jennifer Coulton
- Adam Thomas Coleman
- Holly Rowe
- Herin Iole Han
- Alice Paver
- Oliver J. L. Dixon
- Christine Carter
- Benedict Turner-Berry
- Elliot Koubis
- Liv Bennison
- James Ee
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Applicant information session
- Joseph Lewis (Cambridge) publishes a new paper
- Leo Aschenbrenner Boonstra
- Jiayao Jiang
- Alexander Sherborne
- OOC DTP Placements Information Session
- An Introduction to Media Training (2024)
- Theatrical communities and collaborations: artistic networks, professional partnerships, and shared visions, 1880-1947
- Angharad Derbyshire
- Jessica Collins
- Fiona Brehony
- Dawn Kanter publishes paper on Digital Humanities
- Placement Spotlight: Museo de Arte Moderno
- Justine Provino featured on BBC Radio 4
- Martin Lindner
- Going Public – Insights into Monograph Publishing (2024)
- Courtly life and letters in the Age of Marie Antoinette
- Introduction to Postdoctoral Research Funding Applications (2024)
- Winter Holiday Closure
- Placement Spotlight: The Republic of Consciousness Prize
- Heritage Pathway - Current Issues in Arts & Heritage: Apps for engagement
- Heritage Pathway Workshop: Ethics of co-producing heritage engagement
- Heritage Pathway Workshop - 3D Heritage: Digital Tools for Object Engagement
- Heritage Pathway Site Trip & Museum Workshop: Winchester
- Getting Published and the Research Excellence Framework (REF): 2024
- Laura Herman publishes paper on new methodology
- New 'Global Shocks' Podcast released by OOC-DTP Alumnus Jan Eijking
- Placement Spotlight: The British Library
- Placement Spotlight: Christie's
- Contextualising Knowledge Exchange
- Measuring Knowledge Exchange
- Placement Spotlight: The National Trust - Translating the Language of Empire project
- Benjamin Anderson
- Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership: Use of cookies on this website
- Bridget Cunningham releases a new album of keyboard works by Thomas Roseingrave
- Borders and Boundaries – 2025 AHRC International Conference
- Emma-Catherine Wilson has articles published in New Medieval Literatures and Florilegium
- Placement Opportunity: Historic Royal Palaces - 'Building the Tudor Palaces'
- Zoë Marriott signs book deal for PhD novel
- Emma-Catherine Wilson Presents Doctoral Research to The Heraldry Society
- Jessica Ward
- Heritage Pathway - Careers in Arts & Heritage: Crafting your CV & Creating a Digital Portfolio
- Heritage Pathway - Workshop: Agile objects: object-based learning
- Heritage Pathway - Current Issues in Arts & Heritage: Heritage & Young People
- Kirsty Peacock wins prize at 2024 Economic History Conference
- Cat Watts, Cambridge PhD student is interviewed by Times Higher Education on historical research for TV
- Bridget McClean
- Apeike Umolu
- Placement Spotlight: National Trust - Investigating Italian Renaissance Intarsia and XVI C Marquetry
- Placement Spotlight: DM Productions/BBC Panorama
- Jade Cuttle announced as a BBC/AHRC New Generation Thinker 2024
- Heritage Pathway - Exploring Oxford through a Digital Heritage Lens
- Placement Spotlight: Bosse and Baum Gallery, London
- Anna Golova
- Patrick Allies
- Rahman Mohammadi
- Emily Clarke
- Juliette Gautron
- Ruthanne Brooks
- Emma Teworte
- Easa Saad
- Placement Spotlight: Fitzwilliam Museum
- Harriet McKinley-Smith made Trustee of Pope's Grotto Preservation Trust
- Placement Spotlight: Open Innovation Team
- OOC DTP Additional Funding Information Session (2024)
- OOC DTP: Placements Information Session (2024)
- Project Management Essentials (2024)
- Allyship session 1: Allyship as a Researcher (2024)
- Allyship session 2: Understanding Epistemic Injustice
- Allyship session 3: Writing your Researcher Positionality Statement
- Allyship session 4: Defining the intention, influence, and impact of anti-oppressive research
- Integrating EDI into Research Development
- How 2 Collaborate mini programme 2024: Workshop 1 'Introduction to collaborative working'
- How 2 Collaborate mini programme 2024: Workshop 2 'Maximising collaborative studentship outcomes'
- How to work (and live) well - 2024
- OOC DTP Writing and Editing Retreat for 3rd years
- OOC DTP Writing Retreat for 2nd years
- Boosting Your Writing Productivity (2025)
- Planning the Final Year of Your PhD (2025)
- Losing an Empire and Finding a Role: Britain in the World ca 1940 – 1990
- Structured inter-religious encounter and anti-discrimination education: a study
- Literatures are never at war—France and the John Murray Archive
- Art on the Underground, 1986-2020: contemporary legacies of a modernist project
- Making Geography Matter: Opening up the Doreen Massey Archive
- The Portraiture of Rowland Lockey (c.1566–1616): A Historical and Technical Examination
- The Birth of Veganism: Documenting the emergence and organisation of the vegan movement in Britain in the 20th century
- Spanish Street Literature: Chapbooks, Broadsides and Digital Access
- Empowering families affected by dementia: building emotional resilience and supporting the health and well-being of family caregivers
- The partnership of Seely and Paget and their contribution to 20th century architecture
- The fabric of London: two centuries of fire insurance policies
- A phonetic investigation of speaker attribution and its implications for legal contexts
- Exploring women’s experiential narratives in martial arts and combat sports
- Common ground: exploring methods of communication at a system and landscape level for floods and other risks in the UK
- Claudia Giupponi has article published in 'Debates in Aesthetics' journal
- Social Media and Blogging Training (2024)
- Communicating your research with confidence (2025)
- Chaucer's Thameside Life and Poetry
- Mentorship Scheme for Applicants (Now Closed)
- Applicant Support Events
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Designing a digital research project (2024)
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Acquiring data for your project (2024)
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Transforming your data (2024)
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Analysing and presenting your data (2024)
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Sustaining your data (2024)
- Cambridge Digital Humanities: Building your digital research skills with the Programming Historian
- Mentorship Scheme for Applicants - CLOSES 6th OCTOBER
- Zack Di Lello
- Evie Moss
- Pablo Scheffer
- Paul Napier
- Mary Whittingdale
- Vlademire Kevin D. Bumatay
- Mia Condron Asquith
- Holly Smith
- Cameron Dashwood
- Nathaniel Hodson
- Sarah Upton
- Manuela Crivelli
- Muhammed Aslaner
- Daniela Graca
- Didier Natalizi Baldi
- Althea Rosa Ludovica Sovani
- Jemma Louise Forster
- Anna De Vivo
- Alexandra Atkeson
- Jen DeNike
- Emma Manco
- Abbie Longmate
- Joel Bellviure
- Matthew Parish
- Sally Mullis
- Mirjam Von Bechtolsheim has paper published in 'Accordia Research Papers' journal
- Laura Herman has three articles published
- Heritage Pathway 2024 - Heritage at Oxford: From our own correspondents
- Heritage Pathway 2024 - Workshop: Using Archival Research in the Heritage Sector
- Placement Spotlight: Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires
- Boyang Hou
- Ruth Thrush
- Rhiannon Warren
- Philippe Xing
- Helena Aeberli
- Kirill Goriachok
- Neil Adam Tibbetts
- Vishal Sangu
- Alexander Lynch
- Finn Conway
- Placement Spotlight: PRAKSIS
- Emma-Catherine Wilson has article published in 'Notes & queries' journal
- Owen Dowling
- Thomas Batelaan
- Placement Spotlight: National Trust
- Ruth Allen
- Emma Jane Baxter
- Exploring post-PhD routes (2025)
- OOC DTP Additional Funding Information Session (2025)
- OOC DTP: Placements Information Session (2025)
- An Introduction to Media Training (2025)
- Heritage Pathway trip: Bath Assembly Room & Georgian Bath
- Elena Trowsdale
- Rob Marsh
- Basic Video Creation & Platform Promotion Training Session 1: Pre-Production & Production
- Basic Video Creation & Platform Promotion Training Session 2: Post-Production & Platform Promotion
- Will Kirby
- Andrew McNey
- Aditi Gupta contributes two articles to 'Shared Heritage: France-South Asia', a unique digital resource
- Placement Spotlight: The Fitzwilliam Museum
- Placement Spotlight: Exploring AI and Organisational Change at BT
- Placement Spotlight: Christie’s
- Policy Engagement in the Arts and Humanities: A virtual lunchtime workshop
- Introduction to Postdoctoral Research Funding Applications (2025)
- Placement Spotlight: Historic Royal Palaces
- Placement Spotlight: Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi Society (MIAS)
- OOC DTP Student-led Training Fund: Information Session
- Heritage Pathway Workshop: Creativity, Heritage & Place
- Heritage Pathway- Careers in Arts and Heritage: Heritage and the Law
- Heritage Pathway trip: Behind the Scenes at Blenheim Palace
- Open Access for OOC DTP students (2025)
- Getting Published and the Research Excellence Framework (REF): 2025
- Placement Spotlight: London Short Film Festival
- Molly Judd
- Shreyasi Sharma
- Lucy Emanuel
- Placement Spotlight: Antiquity
- Going Public – Insights into Monograph Publishing (2025)
- Suren Pahlevan publishes article in 'AI & Society'
- Victoria Sands
- Shereece Linton-Ramsay