Bridget Cunningham is studying towards a PhD in Music with an AHRC stipend conducted through Open, Oxford and Cambridge Universities with Dr Helen Coffey and Professor David Rowland. This research looks at the works of the German-born but Italian-trained composer, Johann Adolph Hasse who was the most widely admired composer of opera seria in the middle decades of the eighteenth-century. Her focus on baroque opera leads on from her work as a conductor, harpsichordist and Artistic Director of London Early Opera. She has created, researched, edited and directed several world premiere recordings with Signum Classics, one of which Handel’s Queens was nominated for a 2020 Gramophone Award. She previously studied at the Royal College of Music for an advanced PG diploma in Early Music and gained a Fellowship working and coaching students in the RCM Museum. She received her undergraduate degree from Southampton University followed by a master’s degree at Trinity College, London.