Foundations training

2019 Future Humanities Cohort Day with NT

Stuart Bebb, 2019

Comprising five days of training, this has been designed to equip you with foundational skills for doctoral study, introduce you to the four strands of DTP training, and enable you to discuss your experiences of doctoral study with other DTP students.

All new OOC DTP students are expected to attend. Our induction days will bring DTP students together at their home institution. Following the inductions, two residential events will be held for the whole DTP cohort, at each of the consortium universities in turn. 

Day 1: Local Induction Day

Bringing you together with other Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP students at your university, the inductions will introduce you to the DTP, its training provision and the opportunities open to you as an award holder. The induction events will also allow you to get set up on Inkpath, a skills training app that will allow you to complete a Training Needs Analysis.

  • Open University - Wednesday 4 October 2023
  • University of Oxford- Thursday 12 October 2023
  • University of Cambridge - Monday 16 October 2023

Days 2 and 3: OOC DTP Cohort Event

Comprising in-person training sessions for our Cohort 5 students, this new residential programme will bring the DTP cohort together in Oxford to introduce you to the strands of DTP training and enable you to discuss your experiences of doctoral study with other DTP students.

Cohort Days 2 and 3: Programme 2023-24

Days 4 and 5: OOC DTP Cohort Event

Comprising in-person training sessions for our Cohort 5 students, this residential programme will bring the DTP cohort together in Cambridge to enable you to discuss your experiences of doctoral study with other DTP students, and attend participatory workshops.

Cohort Days 4 and 5: Programme 2023-24

Day 1: Local Induction Day

Bringing you together with other Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP students at your university, the inductions will introduce you to the DTP, its training provision and the opportunities open to you as an award holder. The induction events will also allow you to get set up on Inkpath, a skills training app that will allow you to complete a Training Needs Analysis.

  • Open University - Online event: Wednesday 5 October 2022
  • University of Cambridge - Tuesday 18 October 2022
  • University of Oxford- Thursday 13 October 2022

Days 2 and 3: OOC DTP Cohort Event

Comprising in-person training sessions for our Cohort 4 students, this new residential programme will bring the DTP cohort together in Oxford to introduce you to the strands of DTP training and enable you to discuss your experiences of doctoral study with other DTP students.

Cohort Days 2 and 3: Programme 2022-23

Days 4 and 5: OOC DTP Cohort Event

This two-day residential event will bring together our Cohort 4 students at Madingley Hall, Cambridge. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss methodologies and develop best practice with their peers and BT experts, receive training on how to improve their public speaking skills, and learn about perceptions of AI.

Cohort Days 4 and 5: Programme 2022-23

Day 1: Local Induction Day

Bringing you together with other Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP students at your university both online and in-person, the inductions will introduce you to the DTP, its training provision and the opportunities open to you as an award holder. The induction events will also allow you to get set up on Inkpath, a skills training app that will allow you to complete a Training Needs Analysis.

  • Open University - Online event: 6 October. In-person event: 7 October
  • University of Cambridge - Online event: 8 October. In-person event: 11 October
  • University of Oxford - Online event: 8 October. In-person event: 14 October

Days 2 and 3: OOC DTP Online and Local in-person Cohort Days

Comprising online and in-person training sessions for our Cohort 3 students, this programme will introduce you to the strands of DTP training and enable you to discuss your experiences of doctoral study with other DTP students.

The online event in February will be for all first-year doctoral students, and will involve a guest lecture and a workshop by the National Trust.


Cohort Day 2: Programme 2021-22


The in-person events will take place at local institutions in March 2022, and will offer you the opportunity to meet with other OOC DTP students at your university. Opening with lunch, you will then have the chance to discuss your research, ask questions of DTP colleagues, and find out more about the equality, diversity and inclusion work taking place at your institution. 

Day 4: OOC DTP in-person Cohort Day

This event will bring all OOC DTP students together for an in-person event in Cambridge. The event will provide the opportunity for students to experience a guest lecture, an AI and Ethics panel session, and a workshop by Uncomfortable Cambridge. There will also be the chance to participate in a number of interactive collaborative sessions throughout the day.


Cohort Day 4: Programme 2021-22

Day 5: OOC DTP Local Cohort Days

The final ‘foundations’ training days will bring you back together as a local cohort with your home institution. The event at your university will give you an opportunity to hear from other OOC DTP students as they share their research and collaboration experiences, and participate in discussion groups on themed topics. The day will enable you to share your experiences as you approach the end of your first year as an OOC DTP award holder.

Day 1: Local Online Induction Days

Bringing you together with other Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP students at your university, this day will introduce you to the DTP, its training provision and the opportunities open to you as an award holder. It will also get you set up on Inkpath, a skills training app that will allow you to complete a Training Needs Analysis.

  • Open University, Thursday 8 October 2020
  • University of Oxford, Tuesday 13 October 2020
  • University of Cambridge, Friday 16 October 2020

Days 2 and 3: OOC DTP Online Cohort Days 

Comprising online training sessions across four days for our Cohort 2 students, this programme will introduce you to the strands of DTP training and enable you to discuss your experiences of doctoral study with other DTP students. Sessions will take place from 16 February to 19 February 2021. The full programme is available for download below. Booking is via Inkpath.

Cohort Days 2 & 3 Programme 2020/21 


Day 4: OOC DTP Online Cohort Day 

This online event will include a guest lecture, an opportunity for collaboration and discussion with other students, and the chance to experience an online virtual tour.

Cohort Day 4 Programme 2020/21


Day 5: OOC DTP Local Cohort Days

The final ‘foundations’ training day will bring you back together online as a local cohort with your home institution. The day will give you an opportunity to attend a careers panel, and participate in discussion groups on research impact, enabling you to share your experiences as you approach the end of your first year as an OOC DTP award holder.

Day 1: Local Induction Day

Bringing you together with other Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP students at your university, this day will introduce you to the DTP, its training provision and the opportunities open to you as an award holder. It will also get you set up on Inkpath, a skills training app that will allow you to complete a Training Needs Analysis.

  • Open University, 8 October
  • University of Cambridge, 14 October
  • University of Oxford, 23 October

OU Induction 2019/20          Cambridge Induction 2019/20          Oxford Induction 2019/20


Day 2: Future Humanities Cohort Day with the National Trust 

Designed in close collaboration with the National Trust, this day will introduce you to our ‘Future Humanities’ training strand, which aims to help you think through what it means to work beyond disciplinary boundaries and to conduct ‘engaged research’ in partnership with organisations outside the higher education sector. The day offers an exciting opportunity to engage with colleagues from this UK charity and membership organisation for environmental and heritage conservation.

  • 10.30-18.00, Monday 25 November, 2019
  • St Anne’s College, Oxford

Cohort Day 2 Programme 2019/20


Day 3: Expanding Horizons Cohort Day with BT 

bt logo purple

Designed in collaboration with BT, this day will introduce you to our ‘Expanding Horizons’ training strand, which aims to help you understand emerging technologies and the latest methods and techniques applicable to your subject areas.

  • 11.00-17.00, Wednesday 5 February 2020
  • St John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP

Cohort Day 3 Programme 2019/20


Day 4: Engaged Communications Cohort Day with BBC World Service 

BBC World Service

Designed in collaboration with the BBC World Service, this day will introduce you to our ‘Enagaged Communications’ training strand, which aims to enhance your ability to communicate and share your research with diverse audiences both within and outside the academy. The training will be delivered by colleagues from the BBC.

  • 10.00-18.00, Monday 24 February, 2020
  • Walton Hall Campus, Open University, Milton Keynes

Cohort Day 4 Programme 2019/20     Download 'Key Points' Handout


Day 5: End-of-year Local Cohort Day

The final ‘foundations’ training day will bring you back together as a local cohort at your home institution. The day will give you an opportunity to present to one another on your research, and to share your experiences nearing the end of your first year as an OOC DTP award holder.

Cancelled owing to Covid-19.

Day 1: Local Induction Day

Bringing you together with other Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP students at your university, the inductions will introduce you to the DTP, its training provision and the opportunities open to you as an award holder. The induction events will also allow you to get set up on Inkpath, a skills training app that will allow you to complete a Training Needs Analysis.

  • Open University - Wednesday 2 October 2024
  • University of Oxford- Monday 14 October 2024
  • University of Cambridge - Wednesday 16 October 2024

Days 2 and 3: OOC DTP Cohort Event

Comprising in-person training sessions, this residential programme will bring the DTP cohort together in Oxford to introduce you to the strands of DTP training and enable you to discuss your experiences of doctoral study with other DTP students.

Cohort Days 2 and 3: Programme 2024-25


Days 4 and 5: OOC DTP Cohort Event

Comprising in-person training sessions for our Cohort 6 students, this residential programme will bring the DTP cohort together in Cambridge to enable you to discuss your experiences of doctoral study with other DTP students, and attend participatory workshops.

Cohort Days 4 and 5: Programme 2024-25