Please claim expenses using the OU's TSE (travel and subsistence expense) claim system. The link is available on the OU intranet.
You will need to forward a signed copy of the claim form together with original itemised receipts to your School support team for checking, after which it will be sent by the School support team to the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Senior Manager (Research and Scholarship), for authorisation.
Key points
- credit card slips are not considered sufficient evidence of an expense
- if it's just mileage then no receipts are required
Please submit a claim via the University of Oxford’s e-expenses website.
You will need to select the Department: ‘(E0) Humanities Division Department’ and the Cost Type: ‘(PJ) Project’, and then the relevant Cost Code. The Source of Funds is: (00000) * Default. Please contact for advice on which cost code to use for your claim.